Asynchronous Programming with asyncio in Python (2024)

Asynchronous programming in Python using asyncio: tips, techniques, and recent updates.

Paul Norvig


January 12, 2024


Asynchronous programming in Python - with asyncio - might sound complex but is quite exciting once you get the hang of it. It’s about writing code that can do many things at once, making sure you’re not wasting time waiting for one thing to finish before starting another. It’s particularly useful for tasks that depend on waiting for external events, like responses from a web server. In this guide, I’ll cover the basics, setting up your environment, and some more advanced stuff.

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming and asyncio

Asynchronous programming in Python is a powerful technique for writing concurrent code, and asyncio has become a central part of this landscape. I remember when I first encountered the concept, it seemed daunting, yet it resolved many problems associated with multi-threading and multi-processing by providing a more straightforward way to write non-blocking code.

For those starting out, it’s essential to grasp what asynchronous programming means before jumping into code. Traditionally, code executes in a linear fashion, often bogging down systems with I/O-bound or high-latency tasks. Asynchronous programming allows us to sidestep these blocks, running tasks seemingly in parallel—this is achieved by an event loop, which is the core of asyncio, efficiently managing what gets run and when.

Here’s a small snippet to illustrate the basics:

import asyncio

async def hello_world():
await asyncio.sleep(1)

# Python 3.7+

In this code block, async def introduces an asynchronous function. You’ll notice the use of the await keyword, which allows Python to pause the hello_world function and turn its attention to other tasks until asyncio.sleep(1) is done. Without the await, attempting to perform the sleep operation would block the entire execution.

One of the key aspects that I appreciate about asyncio is how it opens up the capability of handling numerous tasks concurrently. It’s especially useful when dealing with a bunch of network operations or any I/O bound tasks that would otherwise lead to waiting and hence, wasting precious CPU cycles. With asyncio, you can efficiently handle client connections on a server.

Here is a code snippet that shows how to create multiple tasks:

import asyncio

async def count():
await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def main():
await asyncio.gather(count(), count(), count())

# Python 3.7+

In this example, asyncio.gather() is used to run three count() coroutines concurrently. They’ll each print “One”, wait asynchronously for one second, and finally print “Two”, but while one count() coroutine is sleeping, the others can progress, showcasing the power of asynchronous execution.

I hope this brief overview piqued your interest. While I’ve barely scratched the surface, I assure you that diving deeper into asyncio allows for more robust and efficient Python applications. As we proceed to cover setting up your environment, writing asynchronous functions, managing tasks, and exploring advanced topics, you’ll see how asyncio is practically applied in real-world scenarios, making our Pythonic life much easier when dealing with concurrent operations.

Keep up the code, and remember, practice is key to mastering asyncio, or any programming concept for that matter. You’ll find the asyncio documentation ( an excellent resource to deepen your understanding and GitHub repositories like aio-libs ( for community-driven asyncio-compatible projects which can be frankly quite illuminating.

Setting up Your Environment for asyncio

To get started with asyncio, setting up a proper Python environment is essential. Here’s how I usually go about it, and I recommend this approach for anyone just beginning with asynchronous programming. Note that asyncio became a part of the Python standard library in Python 3.4, so you should have at least that version (I’d suggest Python 3.9 or newer for the best features).

First things first, you want to isolate your work from other Python projects. This is where virtualenv comes into play. If you’ve never used virtualenv before, install it globally with pip:

pip install virtualenv

Next, create a new virtual environment for your asyncio project:

virtualenv asyncio_env

Activate the environment:

source asyncio_env/bin/activate  # on Unix or macOS
asyncio_env\Scripts\activate  # on Windows

Once your virtual environment is active, it’s time to install the asyncio library if you are working with a Python version before 3.7:

pip install asyncio

Now, Python 3.7 and newer versions have asyncio as a part of the standard library, so there’s no need to install it separately. However, I always make sure my toolset is updated:

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools

To test if your environment is set up correctly, try running a simple asynchronous piece of code:

import asyncio

async def hello_async():
print('Hello Async World')

This should output:

Hello Async World

This basic setup allows you to start dabbling in asynchronous tasks. However, working with asynchronous code often involves handling more complex scenarios than just printing text. To illustrate an entry-level example, let’s say you want to make a web request. You’d typically use aiohttp, a library for asynchronous HTTP networking.

First, install the library with pip:

pip install aiohttp

Now you’re ready to make an asynchronous HTTP request:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def fetch(session, url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.text()

async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
html = await fetch(session, '')

Running this script should fetch the HTML content of Python’s homepage.

Remember to check the official documentation as well, as the asyncio and aiohttp APIs may have changed:

Stay in the loop (pun intended) by following the Python blogs or discussion forums, such as the Python community on Reddit, as they are also fantastic resources for understanding asyncio’s nuances. The GitHub repository for asyncio is also a treasure trove of information, containing discussions and decisions on the library’s development.

Setting up your environment properly early on saves headaches down the line and allows you to focus on the nitty-gritty of async programming. Keeping things up to date and having the right library for the job at hand will ensure your asynchronous journey in Python is as smooth as possible. Happy coding!

Writing Asynchronous Functions with asyncio

Writing asynchronous functions is less intimidating than it sounds—trust me, I’ve been where you are. With Python’s asyncio, you’re able to write code that can perform multiple operations ‘simultaneously’. Let’s say we have an application that needs to fetch data from the web and also do some number crunching. We’d like both to run at the same time, right? This is when the magic of async functions comes into play.

First, if you haven’t already, you need Python 3.7 or higher, because that’s when asyncio got really good. Now, here’s the simplest form of an asynchronous function in Python:

import asyncio

async def main():
await asyncio.sleep(1)

Here, async def begins an asynchronous function. Inside it, await tells Python to pause main() and go off to do other stuff until asyncio.sleep(1) finishes its one-second nap. Yeah, it’s a bit like telling a kid, “Wait here, I’ll be back”.

Now let’s try fetching from the web:

import aiohttp
import asyncio

async def fetch(session, url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
return await response.text()

async def main():
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
html = await fetch(session, '')

Don’t miss async with, which is for asynchronous context managers—think of it as an async-powered with statement that can also take a break and do other things.

But what if you want to run multiple functions at the same time? Enter asyncio.gather():

import asyncio

async def say_after(delay, what):
await asyncio.sleep(delay)

async def main():
task1 = asyncio.create_task(
say_after(1, 'hello'))

task2 = asyncio.create_task(
say_after(2, 'world'))

await task1
await task2

asyncio.create_task() schedules your coroutines to be run, and await is used again to wait for them to finish. asyncio.gather() is another way to run them concurrently:

await asyncio.gather(
say_after(1, 'hello'),
say_after(2, 'world')

Remember, asynchronous programming is like cooking. While waiting for the water to boil (using await), you can chop vegetables (or execute another piece of code). This is especially useful when dealing with I/O-bound tasks that spend time waiting for data to come back from somewhere else, like the internet or a hard drive.

One last tip: while loops and asyncio can be tricky. If you do something like:

async def main():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)

It could run forever, so be sure to handle those conditions in your actual applications.

In the world of async, patience is a virtue—well, a programmatically managed one, to be precise. If all of this intrigues you, it may be worthwhile to check out the asyncio documentation on Python’s official site or search for more resources like GitHub repositories filled with examples.

Remember, each time you use async and await, you’re telling Python how to handle tasks like an adept chef juggling multiple dishes. So, give it a try, and you might find that your code runs like a well-oiled machine—only stopping to ‘await’ your command.

Managing Tasks and Event Loop in asyncio

The crux of managing tasks in asyncio comes down to understanding the event loop, a concept central to asynchrony in Python.

For starters, when I first approached asyncio, wrapping my head around the event loop was a game changer. Think of it as the orchestra conductor, directing the flow of asynchronous tasks - it runs them, pauses them, and resumes them, aiming for a harmonious execution.

Here’s a little secret: when I deal with multiple coroutines, I often use asyncio.gather(). It’s a function that schedules multiple coroutines concurrently and waits for all of them to finish. Here’s what that looks like:

import asyncio

async def count():
await asyncio.sleep(1)

async def main():
await asyncio.gather(count(), count(), count())

In this snippet, count() is a simple coroutine that prints “One”, sleeps for a second, and then prints “Two”. Using asyncio.gather(), I can run multiple count() concurrently, which is a step toward efficient multitasking.

Let’s step up the game slightly with a practical case: managing background tasks. This is super useful when I need a task to keep running while I’m juggling other tasks. Check out how asyncio.create_task() is used:

import asyncio

async def background_task():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
print("Background Task: Ping!")

async def main():
task = asyncio.create_task(background_task())

# Perform other tasks here
await asyncio.sleep(10)

task.cancel()  # Don't forget to cancel background tasks!

In this example, background_task() is a never-ending task, and with create_task(), it starts running in the background. Notice that I use task.cancel() to stop it before the program ends - it’s important to clean up.

Pro-tip: the event loop runs until there are no more tasks to run. If you want to manage the loop manually, you can do it like this:

async def main():
# Some async operations

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Here, get_event_loop() fetches the event loop, while run_until_complete() runs the main() coroutine until it’s finished. And then, I close the loop with event_loop.close() to tidy up.

Alright, let’s not forget about waiting with timeouts - sometimes I don’t want a task to run indefinitely. Enter asyncio.wait_for():

async def eternity():
# Sleep for one hour
await asyncio.sleep(3600)

async def main():
# Wait for at most 1 second
await asyncio.wait_for(eternity(), timeout=1.0)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:

You’ll see that after a second, a TimeoutError is raised because eternity() obviously doesn’t complete in that timeframe - that’s how asyncio.wait_for() can keep tasks in check.

I’ve handpicked these snippets because they illustrate how you can manage tasks in asyncio without making your code a spaghetti mess. Tackling the event loop isn’t trivial, but with a bit of practice, it’s certainly within your grasp. If you’re craving more examples or details, the official Python documentation on asyncio ( is a treasure trove I swear by. Happy asynchronous coding!

Advanced Topics and Future Directions in asyncio

Exploring the advanced terrains of asyncio’s present and envisioning the future in asynchronous programming has been gratifying. The Python community never stays still, and neither does asyncio.

One emerging concept catching my eye is the integration of WebSockets with asyncio to build highly interactive web applications. I remember my first WebSocket server; it was a breeze with websockets, an asyncio-compatible library.

import asyncio
import websockets

async def echo(websocket, path):
async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message)

start_server = websockets.serve(echo, "localhost", 8765)


The simplicity of setting up a real-time, two-way communication between a client and a server was striking. From here, my enthusiasm only grew.

Another front is the integration of asyncio with native I/O-bound operations. The asyncio module’s future could see more direct support for asynchronous file I/O operations without relying on threads or cumbersome workarounds. This could look like the aiofiles package but baked into the standard library, offering an interface as straightforward as:

async with asyncio.open_file('myfile.txt', mode='rb') as f:
contents = await

Such advancements could dramatically reduce the complexity of asynchronous I/O operations.

Delving deeper, in the broader ecosystem, I’m tracking projects that marry asyncio with distributed systems. Distributed computing and microservices ask for asynchronous messaging and coordination. Tools like aiokafka and asyncio-nats-client illustrate the marriage of asyncio with these systems, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see native asyncio support in even more distributed systems toolkits.

import aiokafka

async def consume():
consumer = aiokafka.AIOKafkaConsumer('my_topic', loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
await consumer.start()
async for msg in consumer:
# Process messages
await consumer.stop()

Peering into the future, the area of asyncio that beckons for innovation is type hinting and static analysis. With the evolution of Python’s typing system, tools like mypy could evolve to better understand and validate asynchronous code. Such advancements would make asynchronous Python more robust and developer-friendly.

Beyond type hinting, expect asyncio’s debugging capabilities to advance. The challenge of chasing down elusive bugs in asynchronous workflows is well-known. Improvements may include richer context in stack traces and visualizations of asynchronous execution flow.

Returning to the present, I’m also promoting as the preferred way to run asynchronous programs in Python scripts. No fuss and a cleaner exit strategy—keeping your main structured is a win.

async def main():
# Your async code here

if __name__ == "__main__":

The above code pattern sends a clear message: this is where your async journey begins and ends. It’s a call for simplicity and elegance in a world of potential callback chaos.

While these are just a few examples, the asyncio ecosystem is bound to grow and evolve with the Python community’s ingenuity. This arms beginners with a look into the future where their newfound knowledge of asyncio will not just be applicable but essential. Asynchronous programming is not just a trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how we can efficiently manage I/O-bound and high-level structured network code.

Keep an eye on the main Python asyncio documentation, GitHub repositories for libraries like websockets and aiokafka, and ongoing Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) for the latest and greatest developments in this space. The horizon of asyncio is as broad as our collective imagination—and I can’t wait to see where we go next.