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My review of the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro (2024)

My thoughts on the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro: pro-grade potential, e-ink comfort, productivity prowess, and notable flaws.

Paul Norvig


January 13, 2024


Recently I bought the Tab Ultra C Pro, a tablet that offers the comfort of an e-reader’s e-ink display combined with a modern tablet’s (e.g. iPad) functionality. The large e-ink screen and its ability to run Android are great great, and the device greatly helps to minimize eye strain during long reading and work sessions of mine.


Property Value Property Value
Brand BOOX Operating System Android
Model Name Tab Ultra C Pro Screen Size 10.3 Inches
Display Type E Ink


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Pro-Grade Gear Power

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The Tab Ultra C Pro grabbed my interest with its 10.3’’ HD E Ink Carta 1200 screen. This feature offers both increased productivity and enhanced reading comfort for me, as I primarily use e-ink devices for reading. Employing the comfort of e-ink technology for work tasks piqued my curiosity.

Here’s what stood out to me:

  • Screen Size and Quality: At 10.3 inches, the display is generous for an e-ink device, making reading and note-taking more comfortable without sacrificing portability.

  • Processor Power: The 8-core processor that hits clock speeds of up to 2.8GHz is no slouch. It handles most daily tasks with ease, though I wouldn’t expect it to compete with the latest tablets or smartphones.

  • Operating System: Running on Android 12 OS with full access to the Google Play Store opens a world of apps and customization, which is a significant advantage over more closed-off e-ink systems.

Initially, I was uncertain about the tablet’s productivity capabilities. But it proved effective for reading documents, annotating PDFs, and managing my work profile. The cloud syncing of notes was convenient, and split-screen multitasking was helpful, though e-ink displays had some limitations.

The Advanced BOOX Super Refresh Technology improves responsiveness over previous models, but it’s important to note that this is still an e-ink display. Rapid refresh rates similar to OLED are unrealistic expectations. For tasks focused on work, the slower refresh rate wasn’t problematic.

While the uni-body aluminum alloy design makes the device look premium, I found it less comfortable during longer sessions without the keyboard attachment. The ultimate keyboard cover is a useful attachment that turns the gadget into a compact laptop.

Now, onto connectivity improvements. The ability to enhance a device’s functions through microSD cards and apps is beneficial, but I experienced Wi-Fi instability issues while switching between different frequencies. This aspect requires enhancement since relying solely on a mobile hotspot isn’t optimal.

It seems that the Tab Ultra C Pro caters to a specific audience: those who prefer e-ink readers for eye comfort but require more functionality than standard devices offer. While it may not be a suitable replacement for high-end tablets or laptops, it is an excellent option for those in this category. The product still needs some improvements, yet its potential value is apparent. This device excels at reading, writing, and managing workflows rather than offering quick browsing or media consumption experiences.

Reading Comfort with E-Ink

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As someone who reads extensively, the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro’s E-Ink display offers a significant improvement in my reading experience. Here are the reasons why:

  • Resolution and Clarity: The 10.3’’ HD E Ink Carta 1200 screen offers crisp text that is easy on the eyes, which is critical for extended reading sessions.

  • Color ePaper: This e-reader features a Kaleido 3 screen, offering a color display instead of the usual monochrome. The colors are less vibrant compared to conventional screens.

  • Clear Viewing Experience: The screen effectively reduces glare in sunlight, making it suitable for outdoor reading without the bothersome reflection typical of most tablets.

In my search for a comfortable reading experience, the advantages of these features are significant. The Carta 1200 technology in the display ensures sharpness comparable to paper, essential for reading text-heavy materials with fine details. Additionally, the anti-glare screen reduces eye strain, enabling me to read for extended periods without typical screen fatigue.

The color ePaper technology is somewhat of a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s a step up from the standard e-ink screens since it allows for color-coded graphs and images to be appreciated in their intended form. However, it’s essential to manage expectations here because the colors are not as vibrant as those you would find on an LED or OLED display.

Despite the device’s comfort features, there are some limitations. The reading experience is good, but the slower refresh rate makes it less ideal for fast-interactive content. Furthermore, while the anti-glare screen works well in bright environments, you may need an external light source for lower light conditions as the E-Ink display does not self-illuminate.

In the long term, the importance of display quality and comfort cannot be underestimated. Switching to an e-ink display for reading has noticeably reduced my eye strain. The Tab Ultra C Pro still requires some enhancements, particularly in color intensity and refresh rate. Nevertheless, this device has been crucial in maintaining my productivity without compromising comfort. It is an excellent investment for individuals who prioritize text clarity and ergonomics over multimedia consumption. As an avid reader, I can confirm that the advantages far surpass the limitations when focusing on text-based content.

Productivity and Multitasking Capabilities

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When discussing the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro, I appreciate its productivity and multitasking capabilities. The device is equipped with an 8-core processor that can reach a clock speed of up to 2.8GHz. With the versatility of Android 12 OS, it provides a solid base for multitasking.

Here’s a simpler version:


  • Adjustable refresh settings cater to various tasks.

  • Android apps’ compatibility significantly expands functionality.

  • Split-screen feature enhances productivity by enabling simultaneous execution of two tasks.

  • Advanced note-taking features with cloud sync help keep work organized.


  • Certain routers may cause network connectivity problems.

  • Slower response times for this device compared to standard tablets and smartphones.

The ability to customize the device with a wide range of apps is highly beneficial for me. I can adjust the tablet to fit my workflow effectively, transforming it from an e-reader into a portable workplace. With applications for annotating documents and managing remote computers, the gadget offers a wide range of tasks that it can handle impressively.

That being the case, the improved multitasking functionality comes with complications. The network connectivity problem has caused some inconvenience. Creating a mobile hotspot each time I require internet access is suboptimal, and considering adding a separate 2.4GHz router to prevent disconnections from my Eero system is an unwelcome discovery.

Moreover, while the responsiveness of this device has improved compared to its predecessors, it still lags behind contemporary tablets and smartphones. This may not be an issue for me, given the benefits of the gentler screen on my eyes. However, potential buyers should be aware that performance levels are not as high as those found in iPads or premium Android tablets.

In terms of writing and organization, the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro is an excellent tool. Its advanced note-taking features have proved invaluable to me. I can quickly jot down thoughts, convert handwriting to text, and efficiently sort notes. Split-screen multitasking is useful when referencing materials while composing emails or writing reports.

So while the tablet may not be the fastest on the market, it offers a good balance between functionality and comfort. Some limitations in speed and network connectivity are worth noting, but they haven’t prevented me from using the tablet regularly.

Potential Downsides and Glitches

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The BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro has certainly been a game-changer in my personal tech lineup, mainly considering its 10.3” HD E Ink display and the versatility of having Android as its operating system. However, with technology, it’s rare that pros come without cons. I’ve encountered several glitches and downsides worth mentioning for anyone considering this device.

Here’s a clear description of my experiences:

  • Screen Issues: The E Ink display reduces eye strain, but I encountered some issues. The claimed seamless performance isn’t always consistent, with refresh rates lagging, despite the advertised powerful hardware.

  • Connectivity Challenges: My hopes to integrate the BOOX Tab seamlessly into my existing tech ecosystem were dashed a bit by connectivity issues. It struggles with modern routers switching between 2.4GHz and 5GHz, requiring inconvenient workarounds like setting up a mobile hotspot or additional hardware, which is quite frustrating and not ideal.

  • Within the extensive and dynamic App Ecosystem, not all Google Play Store applications are compatible with an E Ink screen. Meticulously selecting a list of apps that function optimally for my device was of utmost importance. Interactions were observably slower than on other gadgets, but with thorough research and careful consideration, I was able to find apps that catered to the unique requirements of my e-reader.

  • Build Quality Concerns: The aluminum alloy design of this device appears high-end, but some units have arrived with dead pixels. This issue is disappointing given the price.

The Tab Ultra C Pro’s enhanced note-taking features and the convenience of cloud sync have greatly enhanced my productivity. These advanced functionalities are particularly beneficial for tasks that don’t necessitate high refresh rates, such as reading and light browsing. The ability to access my notes and data from any device is a game-changer, making organization and collaboration more efficient than ever before. Although some performance drawbacks can be annoying, they are acceptable adjustments when considering the convenience of cloud sync and the capabilities of E Ink technology.

On the positive side, this device can perform various tasks without the need for other devices for less demanding tasks. This reduces my screen time and eye strain, which is beneficial for me. The color ePaper technology significantly improves my experience when reading diagrams and technical material that utilize color coding, making it essential for my work.

To sum up, the BOOX Tab Ultra C Pro offers a unique combination of e-reader and tablet features. However, it has some drawbacks, including unpredictable performance and a steep learning curve. If you’re familiar with E Ink limitations and can navigate quirks, this device could help reduce digital eye strain and simplify your tech setup.