Tutorial: Parallel Programming with multiprocessing in Python (2024)

Tutorial: Parallel Programming with multiprocessing in Python.

Paul Norvig


January 3, 2024


I got into parallel programming in Python a few years ago to speed up tasks that were taking too long at work. It was a bit of a learning curve at first, figuring out how to run things simultaneously instead of one after another. But once I got the hang of it, everything from data processing to simulations started moving much faster. In this article, I share some of the things I’ve learned, like how to use multiprocessing and avoid common pitfalls. I’ll also touch on advanced features and what the future might hold for parallel programming in Python.

Introduction to Parallel Programming in Python

Parallel programming in Python is a game-changer for those of us who’ve hit the wall with single-threaded operations. With today’s multicore processors, it’s like having a sports car but driving it in a crowded alley. You can only go so far, so fast. Imagine parallel programming as finally hitting the open road, letting you rev up those CPUs to their full potential.

Let’s start parallel programming by understanding that it’s all about running tasks concurrently. Instead of writing code that executes sequentially on a single core, we distribute the load across multiple cores or even different machines.

import multiprocessing

def square_number(number):
return number * number

if __name__ == "__main__":
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
squared_numbers = pool.map(square_number, numbers)

In the simple code above, I’m using a process pool to map a list of numbers to their squares. By doing this, Python can use multiple cores to perform the operations concurrently.

If you’re just getting into this, you might bump into something called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). It’s a mutex that protects access to Python objects, preventing multiple threads from executing Python bytecodes at once. This means that threads are not always a path to parallel execution in Python, especially when it comes to CPU-bound tasks. But no worries, multiprocessing bypasses the GIL by using separate processes instead of threads.

from multiprocessing import Process

def print_id(name):
print(f"Process {name}: starting")

if __name__ == "__main__":
process_list = []

for i in range(5):
p = Process(target=print_id, args=(f"P{i+1}",))

for process in process_list:

print("All processes are finished.")

This script launches several processes, each printing its own ID. When I run this, I know I’ve spun up different Python processes, each with its own memory space and no GIL contention.

When I first explored parallel programming, I wondered about sharing data between processes. It turns out, there are ways like Queue and Pipe, but they require careful handling to avoid deadlocks. It’s quite a rush seeing data flow between processes though!

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue

def square_and_store(numbers, q):
for number in numbers:
q.put(number * number)

if __name__ == "__main__":
q = Queue()
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
p = Process(target=square_and_store, args=(numbers, q))


while not q.empty():

This script squares numbers in one process, then stores the results in a queue. The main process can then access these squared numbers safely after the child process ends.

At this point, I’ve only scratched the surface of multiprocessing in Python. But even with the basic tools I’ve shown you, you can start boosting the performance of Python code considerably. It does require a different mindset, but think of it as orchestrating a team, where each member works in parallel towards a common goal.

Understanding multiprocessing Module in Python

Understanding the multiprocessing module in Python was a game-changer for me when I started dealing with computationally intensive tasks. This module allows different parts of a program to run concurrently, tapping into the full potential of multi-core processors. Here, I’ll provide an overview and some examples to help those new to parallel programming get started.

The core concept is straightforward: you have a task that can be divided into smaller, independent tasks that can be processed in parallel. Say you are processing a large dataset—instead of processing it sequentially, which could take ages, you can process chunks of it simultaneously.

To kick things off, let’s import the multiprocessing module and look at the basic building block: the Process class. This class will allow you to create processes that can run independently and execute a target function.

from multiprocessing import Process

def print_numbers():
for i in range(5):
print(f"Number {i}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=print_numbers)

In the code above, p.start() initiates the process, and p.join() tells the program to wait for the process to finish before moving on. Executing this will have your chosen function run separately from the main program.

Now, what if you have a function with arguments? You can pass them to the target function using the args keyword.

from multiprocessing import Process

def print_number(value):
print(f"Number {value}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=print_number, args=(5,))

I often find myself processing large datasets in chunks. The Pool class is a lifesaver in such scenarios, allowing you to manage multiple workers executing tasks in parallel. Here’s an example:

from multiprocessing import Pool

def double(number):
return number * 2

if __name__ == '__main__':
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
with Pool(5) as p:
results = p.map(double, numbers)

In the above example, Pool(5) creates a pool of 5 worker processes. The map method is a parallel equivalent of the Python built-in map() function, which applies the double function to every item of the list numbers. Once processed, the results are neatly returned as a list.

Keep in mind that when you’re working with multiprocessing, you have to be cautious with shared resources. For instance, if you try to print something from multiple processes at the same time, the output might get jumbled. There are various ways to handle such scenarios, including queues, pipes, or using a Manager.

Another important aspect when using multiprocessing is data safety and synchronization. Here’s how you can synchronize access to shared resources using a Lock.

from multiprocessing import Process, Lock

def printer(lock, text):
with lock:

if __name__ == '__main__':
lock = Lock()
processes = []

for phrase in ['Hello', 'World', 'From', 'Python']:
p = Process(target=printer, args=(lock, phrase))

for p in processes:

This small example uses a lock to ensure that only one process prints to the console at a time, preventing any mishmash of output from occurring.

Remember that while multiprocessing can greatly speed up your program’s execution time when dealing with CPU-bound tasks, it also adds complexity and overhead. Always measure and balance the trade-offs of using it in your particular situation.

By now, you should have a basic grasp of the multiprocessing module. There’s a wealth of information about multiprocessing in the Python documentation, which I highly recommend. Happy coding, and may your processes never deadlock!

Designing Multiprocessing Programs

Designing robust and efficient multiprocessing programs can be quite exhilarating. When I first dipped my toes into parallel programming, I realized it’s fundamentally about managing multiple processes that work in tandem to perform tasks concurrently. This not only speeds up execution time but also maximizes the use of available CPU resources.

First off, let’s set up our canvas for painting the multiprocessing landscape in Python. We’ll initiate a simple function that simulates a CPU-bound task:

def compute_heavy(n):
print(f"Computing {n}...")
for i in range(10**8):
n *= i
return n

This function is just a placeholder for any task that might be processor-intensive.

Next up is to get our hands dirty by creating processes. We use the Process class from the multiprocessing module to create individual processes. Here’s how:

from multiprocessing import Process

if __name__ == '__main__':
processes = []
for i in range(10):  # Let's launch 10 processes
p = Process(target=compute_heavy, args=(i,))

for p in processes:

I remember wrestling with the if __name__ == '__main__' guard. This is crucial because without it, you may inadvertently spawn subprocesses recursively on Windows. Trust me, it’s a mess you want to avoid.

In the above code, .start() initiates the process’s activity and .join() ensures our main program waits for all processes to complete before proceeding.

Now, wouldn’t it be nice if we could manage a pool of workers? Luckily, Python’s multiprocessing module provides a Pool class that allows us to do just that.

from multiprocessing import Pool

def compute_heavy(n):
result = n * n
return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
with Pool(5) as p:
print(p.map(compute_heavy, [1, 2, 3]))

With Pool, we get access to a convenient API, where map applies the function to every item in the iterable, akin to the built-in map function but executed in parallel.

One pitfall I stumbled upon early on was mixing I/O-bound and CPU-bound tasks. It’s essential to know that multiprocessing is best suited for CPU-bound tasks. For I/O-bound tasks, consider using threading or asyncio.

Also, be vigilant when sharing state between processes. Python offers IPC mechanisms like Queues and Pipes to share data between processes, but misuse can lead to race conditions or deadlocks.

from multiprocessing import Queue

def worker(q, n):

if __name__ == "__main__":
q = Queue()
p = Process(target=worker, args=(q, 4))
print(q.get())  # Outputs: 16

Design multiprocessing programs with the understanding that communication between processes should be minimized to maintain performance. It took some trial and error for me to appreciate the nuances of process communication.

I learned a lot about multiprocessing efficiency by tinkering with parallel algorithms and exploring projects on platforms like GitHub. For instance, checking out repositories that implement parallel processing techniques can give you real-world insights. Open-source Python projects are your playground to observe and learn from others – code reading can sometimes be as beneficial as actual coding!

In my journey, what I figured is designing multiprocessing programs in Python isn’t just about writing concurrent code. It’s about getting familiar with system resources, understanding the computational nature of tasks, and nurturing a sense of when to parallelize or when not to. This insight is what elevates you from a beginner to an adept multiprocessing programmer.

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices in Parallel Programming

Parallel programming can seem daunting initially, especially because it comes with its own set of common pitfalls. I’ve personally encountered several of these as I’ve delved into writing concurrent applications. By sharing these experiences and best practices I hope to save you some headaches.

One of the most common issues I’ve run into is neglecting to consider the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in Python. Since the GIL allows only one thread to execute at a time in a single process, true parallelism can’t be achieved with threading alone. For CPU-bound tasks, multiprocessing is the solution, but it doesn’t come without complexities.

from multiprocessing import Process

def my_function(name):
print(f"Function running in process: {name}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
processes = []
for i in range(5):
process = Process(target=my_function, args=(f'Process {i}',))

for process in processes:

Deadlocks are another pitfall. They occur when parallel processes wait for each other to release resources. It has plastered my screen with never-ending spinning cursors more times than I’d like to admit. The key is to carefully plan resource access patterns and use synchronization primitives like Locks judiciously.

from multiprocessing import Process, Lock

def my_function(lock):
with lock:
# critical section of code
print("Lock acquired")

if __name__ == "__main__":
lock = Lock()
processes = [Process(target=my_function, args=(lock,)) for _ in range(5)]

for process in processes:
for process in processes:

Beware of race conditions too, where processes compete to modify shared data causing unpredictable results. It’s like releasing two hungry dogs and expecting them to fairly share a single steak—chaos galore. Always sanitize data access with synchronization primitives or design your program to eliminate shared state where possible.

State management becomes a beast in parallel computing. I’ve accidentally accessed state that I thought was private to a process only to realize it was being trampled by another. Explicitly passing immutable data to processes or using a Manager can keep state manageable.

from multiprocessing import Process, Manager

def my_function(data, key, value):
data[key] = value

if __name__ == "__main__":
with Manager() as manager:
data = manager.dict()
processes = []
for i in range(5):
process = Process(target=my_function, args=(data, i, f'Value {i}'))

for process in processes:


When dealing with I/O-bound tasks, I’ve learned that using ThreadPoolExecutor can be a more suitable choice. You’ll avoid the overhead of process creation and get more efficient I/O operations due to background threads.

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def task():
# some I/O bound operation
print("Executing our task")

executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
future = executor.submit(task)

The best practice I can’t stress enough is to keep your design simple. Start with a serial version, identify the bottlenecks, break it down into discrete, independent chunks of work and then parallelize.

Another tip is to test early and often. Multi-processing bugs can be subtle and explosive. Smaller, more frequent tests will save you from combing through ungodly amounts of logs for that one elusive bug.

Lastly, keep an eye on the multiprocessing documentation and its active user communities. They are invaluable resources and often the first places to peek into for solutions and new ideas. And of course, make usage of good profiling tools to understand where your application’s bottlenecks are.

Parallel programming asks for a shift in thinking—careful planning, defensive coding, and a robust testing strategy are your best companions on this journey. Whether you’re processing mountains of data or aiming for responsive UIs, mastering these best practices will put you on the path to being an efficient parallel programmer.

Advanced Features and Future of Multiprocessing in Python

Python’s multiprocessing capabilities have been a game-changer for leveraging CPU-bound processing tasks. I’ve experienced significant performance improvements by parallelizing CPU-intensive operations using Python’s multiprocessing module.

Let’s explore a couple of advanced features, and speculate on what the future might hold for multiprocessing in Python.

Advanced Features of Multiprocessing

Process Pools:

A common pattern I often use is creating a pool of worker processes. The multiprocessing.Pool class is incredibly useful for parallelizing the execution of a function across multiple input values.

from multiprocessing import Pool

def square(number):
return number * number

if __name__ == '__main__':
with Pool(4) as p:
print(p.map(square, range(10)))

Using a pool of workers simplifies the task distribution and collection of results from managed worker processes.

Sharing State Between Processes:

While sharing state between processes is generally discouraged due to complexity, multiprocessing does provide the Value and Array for shared memory scenarios.

from multiprocessing import Process, Value, Array

def square(number, result, square_sum):
for idx, n in enumerate(number):
result[idx] = n * n
square_sum.value = sum(result)

if __name__ == '__main__':
number = range(10)
result = Array('i', 10)
square_sum = Value('i')
p = Process(target=square, args=(number, result, square_sum))



But remember, managing state access manually can potentially introduce bugs related to race conditions.

Future of Multiprocessing in Python

The Python community is constantly looking for ways to optimize and enhance the multiprocessing paradigm. With the ever-increasing number of CPU cores, the potential for parallel processing in Python is immense.

Improved Inter-process Communication (IPC):

We might see an uptick in efficiency and ease-of-use in inter-process communication mechanisms. Libraries or language features that could offer direct memory access between processes without serialization-deserialization overhead are a possible development.

Asynchronous Multiprocessing:

Asynchronous I/O has gained popularity in Python for non-blocking operations. Blending asyncio with multiprocessing could offer a way where CPUs and I/O can be maximally utilized.

With ongoing research in parallel computing, who knows, future versions of Python could seamlessly integrate multiprocessing with asyncio like:

# Hypothetical future code
from multiprocessing import Process, shared_memory

async def compute(data):
# perform some CPU-bound computation
return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
data = shared_memory(size)
# An imagined API where asynchronous and multiprocessing work together
result = await ProcessPool.run(compute, data)

Better Scheduling:

An interesting area of development could be intelligent process scheduling based on machine learning algorithms, adapting in real-time to the characteristics of the workload and the underlying system.

Energy-Efficient Multiprocessing:

As sustainability becomes more significant, we might witness features focusing on energy-efficient multiprocessing, where Python can optimize power usage while performing parallel computation.

I am optimistic that these improvements and other innovations will streamline the development of concurrent applications in Python.

In conclusion, mastering multiprocessing in Python lets us harness the full power of modern CPUs. As new features are rolled out and the language evolves, we’ll likely see multiprocessing becoming more accessible and powerful, pushing the boundaries of what we can concurrently achieve in Python.